Fill in your contact info below and you will receive a high resolution file and all the necessary game pieces in full color!
This month we are featuring: "Kamatz Flashcards"
(Next game update will be Rosh Chodesh Kislev IY"H)
More games click here!
Skills covered: review of Kamatz silent ending words
Cost: free
Includes: 1 PDF file in full color.
This month we are featuring: "Kamatz Flashcards"
(Next game update will be Rosh Chodesh Kislev IY"H)
More games click here!
Skills covered: review of Kamatz silent ending words
Cost: free
Includes: 1 PDF file in full color.
The monthly game email will be sent out every Rosh Chodesh IY"H. If you subscribe in the middle of the month, you will be added to the mailing list for the following month's game. Once you are on the mailing list you do not need to resign up each month.
Please verify that you typed your e-mail address correctly when you submit your request.Thank you.
Please verify that you typed your e-mail address correctly when you submit your request.Thank you.